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Master's Degree of UniNa Federico II
Data Science
Data Science for Public Administration, Economics and Management
Methods and theories for implementing improvement management and advanced business intelligence
Data Science for Information Technologies
Methods and theories for Artificial Intelligence
Data Science for Fundamental Sciences
Methodologies and effective application of data science in Mathematics, Hard Sciences and Life Sciences
Data Science for Intelligent Systems
Algorithm and techniques starting the next wave of Intelligent Systems and Quantum Computing

Master's Degree in Data Science

To enroll in the "Laurea Magistrale" (Master) in Data Science of the University Federico II, you need to have completed at least a bachelor in scientific or economic discipline, acquiring a minimum of 30 CFUs (credits) in areas such as Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, among which at least 6 CFU must refer to Computer Sciences and/or information Technologies. A good knowledge (certified B2 or higher) of English both written and spoken is also a necessary condition to be admitted.

Foreign Students wishing to enroll need also to match the following criterion: BA or BSc average score (on a 10 out of 10 scale, click on the link for clarifications) equal to or higher than 7.0/10. More information for foreign students is on this dedicated page which you need to read carefully. They also should look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

Bachelor obtained at UNINA: students coming from any of the following BAs are admitted with no need of further checks: mathematics, physics, any field of engineering, or chemistry. Graduates in economy or finance are admitted if they have at least 6 CFUs in computer science-related subjects (i.e. fundaments of informatics, programming, etc.. )

Other types of bachelor's degrees may or may not grant admission with or without debts, depending on the specific type of exams which have been passed. In this case, the student should first submit to the enrollment office (secretary) a complete academic CV (with the list of the exams). The CV will then be evaluated. In some cases, the applicants can be required to acquire missing CFU's prior admission.

Bachelors obtained at other Italian universities: at the moment of enrollment, students must present a complete record of their academic achievements. The document will then be passed by the secretariat to a committee of professors who will evaluate the CV and - when it is the case - will decide whether the student has the minimum amount of competencies. Usually, BAs in hard sciences, engineering, or economy, grant immediate access without debts.

Students who have already completed another master either at UNINA or at another university (both Italian and foreign) and want to obtain a second master's can enroll (as long as the combination of BA and MSc matches the above-listed criteria). They may also ask to have their previous career evaluated to check whether they can be dispensed from taking one or more courses. To do so they need to contact the admission office (secretary) who will specify the documents to be presented. Also, in this case, the documents will be evaluated by the committee who will make the final decision. As a rule of thumb, candidate students coming from engineering, mathematics, statistics, physics, or other hard sciences domains, can have up to 36 CFUs recognized. It, however, depends on both the type of master they have and on the selected curriculum. The coordinator will interact with the student to achieve an optimal solution.