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Master's Degree in Data Science

Seminars and tutorials

As a student of UNINA, you may access many online resources that can help you through your studies.

YouTube channel

The YouTube channel of the master

In this channel, you will find the recorded lessons of the Picariello Lectures on Data Science, which contain short (1h) seminars from world-leading experts, scientists, managers, etc... who will expose you to a rich variety of problems and applications.
The channel contains also short courses (Picariello courses on data science) on specific topics and a rich list of links to other materials available on YouTube that have been chosen for you by your professors.
Finally, in the channel, you will also find links to some of the best exams from students of the previous years.


As a student, you are strongly encouraged to explore the huge catalog (the largest in Europe) of Massive Online Open Courses or MOOCs available on Federica WEB Learning, the learning platform of the University Federico II.

Among these, we recommend:

Statistica by your professor Roberta Siciliano (in Italian).
Statistica per le decisioni di impresa by your professor Roberta Siciliano (in Italian).
Industria 4.0 has several professors (in Italian).
Statical Learning and Data Analysis (Module A and Module B) by your professor Roberta Siciliano (in English and in preparation).
Data Mining (Module A) and Machine Learning (Module B) by your professors Roberta Siciliano and Giuseppe Longo (in English and in preparation).
Programmazione in Python by your professor Flora Amato (in Italian).

GitHub Repositories of the software


Other important resources online