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Master's Degree in Data Science

[March 17, 2021 - Ing. Stefano Rossotti] SENSORIA Health.

Abstract: : Sensoria is a start-up founded in Seattle by two former Microsoft USA Italian managers: Davide Viganò and Maurizio Macagno. Sensoria’s main business consists in designing and producing wearable devices finalized to the collection, analysis and monitoring of biomedical and biomechanical data for rehabilitative, sportive and in-house scenarios. Remote patient monitoring is a key aspect of Sensoria Health’s business. Being the market of wearable devices a constantly increasing, having the chance of have the data available to clinicians is a must. This is the reason why Sensoria Health also provides custom dashboards to expose the processed data coming from its devices. Amongst the many project Sensoria Health is carrying on, we have decided to present the more significant three:

  • Gait video-analysis using a smartphone camera and a set of plantar pressure sensors;
  • Remote baby vital parameters monitoring;
  • Development of algorithms for professional cyclists.

Short bio: Stefano Rossotti After taking his master degree in Physics at Università degli Studi di Milan joined Sensoria Health in 2017, after an internship in Seattle’s headquarter. He is currently leading the Signal Processing Team, where he writes the algorithms that turn into most of the sensoria gears. Besides his role in the Signal Processing Team, he also deals with the development of Android applications for internal use finalized to the data collection for building prototypes.

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