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Master's Degree in Data Science

[January 27, 2021 - Salvatore Palange] Artificial Intelligence for notary's sector - a case study

Watch the lecture on the YouTube channel of the LMDS.

Speaker: Savatore Palange - CEO and Founder FLUEL

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is becoming a main tool to make companies and professional's processes lighter. Through the application of a fluid automation process, removing time-wasting routine activities and applying some of the most actual NLP and Computer Vision algorithms, the Fluel s.r.l. team have realized AI-Legal, which aims to cut over 70% of notary's procedures. During this lecture we will focus on some main issues of this project, the business pains and the solution path followed by the development team. 

Short bio: CEO and Founder of Fluel Innovation for Business, Palange has covered many managerial roles in different sectors: sales marketing, sales planning, chair of faculty e-learning, responsible of marketing and CRM in several companies. He graduated in Economy with a scialization in Enterprise strategy and than obtained the Executive MBA of the BBS (Bologna Business School). Nowadays he works on the application of machine learning, deep learning and full-stack development. He has won several prizes forinnovations in the fields of CRM and Sales Support Systems. He also created and mantains the best and largest FB group on Artificial Intelligence: AI Intelligenza Artificiale Italia.

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